One Person's Idea Can Truly Become Reality

Our Journey

The Company was founded in 2014 when Kevin Sturgill had an idea that would not only provide a sound business opportunity but would also help the entire plastics industry. Sturgill had spent the past 13 years in the engineered plastics industry.

The last 7 years were spent as General Manager of Alro Steel’s plastic distribution facility in Louisville, Kentucky. There he gained immense knowledge of the full scope of engineered plastics from applications, composition, machining, delivery, and customer service.

The one issue that was a constant throughout the industry was the need for machining capacity. Most of the suppliers were low quality with long lead times. He viewed this as an opportunity to establish a facility where quality, cost, delivery and customer service were KING. As the name implies, EXPRESS CNC & FABRICATION was born.

Ready to Work?​

Take advantage of our immense knowledge of the full scope of engineered plastics from applications, composition, machining, delivery, and customer service. Let’s get your next project done the right way.